An Emblem of America
Noun: An object or its representation, symbolizing a quality, state, class of persons, etc.; symbol: The olive branch is an emblem of peace. A sign, design, or figure that identifies or represents something: the emblem of a school. An allegorical picture, often inscribed with a motto supplemental to the visual image with which it forms a single unit of meaning. An inlaid or tessellated ornament (A Fez, Taroosh, Shisha, War Bonnet etc.). Verb (used with object) to represent with an emblem. Many people have no idea how America as A country came into being without the lies of Wight Supremacy. Well the actual construction of The Ea Al Maurikanuus Estados (Each and All Moorish Estates) of the Old Dominion is laid out here in this treatise for lovrs of living history, not the mystery. Enjoy!